When will my order arrive?
Most items may be shipped to the 48 contiguous United States via Standard Ground service. You can expect your order to arrive within 3-5 business days. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States. Please refer to the estimated shipping times listed on the Shipping Information page for each Shipping Method that we offer.
If you placed an order and are looking for an update on the status of your order, you can click the Order Status link for detailed information.
What does my Order Status mean?
Please refer to the explanations below if you have questions on the meaning of your order status online.
Submitted: Your order has been processed and received by Arm Anchor. You will receive a shipment confirmation email when your order has been shipped.
Shipped: Your order has left our Distribution Center and is in transit to your desired shipping address.
Partially Shipped: Some of the items in your order have been shipped separately; please click the order number for full details on your order.
Delivered: Your order has been delivered.
Partially Delivered: Some of the items in your order have been delivered. Please click the order number for full details on your order.
Returned: Your order has been received and processed at our returns facility and a credit will appear on your next credit card billing statement. Please contact Customer Service with any questions.
Partially Returned: Some of the items in your order have been received and processed at our returns facility and a credit will appear on your next credit card billing statement. Please contact Customer Service with any questions.
Canceled: Your order has been canceled; please refer to your email cancellation notice for details on your order cancellation. Please contact Customer Service with any questions.
Partially Canceled: Some of the items in your order have been canceled; please click the order number for full details on your order. Please contact Customer Service with any questions.